The Basics – Nail The Basics Every Time- Then Over Deliver

Strong basics in radio still work. Nail the basics every time- then over deliver. In today’s radio do you know what your programming/marketing mission is with intent to score in Nielsen? What’s the overall programming game plan?

Here are just a few starter suggestions to think about:

Scoring in Nielsen means you’re not just doing radio- your job is to create excellence every day and make a difference so the locals come back. Radio can create an infectious energy and format experience.

It’s not just “work” – it’s an opportunity to do what you love to do best with
consistency every hour. Strive to work with a sense of purpose.

Every day, you’re not just learning – you’re also growing to create growth for the station and the in-house on-air team.

It’s not just a job – it’s a fun career and you should give all you got and make is sound like its fun on-air. Locals know when you’re serious and when you’re not.

You probably work for a company, but you serve the local community to make a relevant information connection daily- give them a reason to come back.

Every day your job is to do something locally meaningful that gets attention.

It means you’re not just sharing relevant content – you’re helping locals believe based on their content of interest. Total reliability works and wins.

It’s not just about being an in-house team – it’s about acting and performing as one staff on-air as a team.

It’s about learning and helping each other succeed in big and small ways.

The programming leader should always deliver encouragement to the staff, never negativity.

Finally, the job in radio is to work shoulder to shoulder to ensure the locals who listen, leave with a memory of a moment that uplifted their day. When you make the local listener the top priority great things happen. Being the “most local” radio station, you can literally destroy the competition- try it.

At Lyles Media we have learned that embracing change is part of the game of radio. Understanding change and when to do it isn’t difficult. Accepting change can be reassuring for a better Nielsen result. Onward with radio excellence. “Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way” Booker T. Washington